January 25, 2025


Comfortable residential structure

Metal Facade Designer Sues Over Knockoff Home Decorations

Metal Facade Designer Sues Over Knockoff Home Decorations

Metal Facade Designer Sues Over Knockoff Home Decorations
Law360 (January 7, 2021, 4:07 PM EST) — A California designer of elaborate metal panels has alleged that a home builder in the city of Irvine is ripping off his copyright-protected decorations.

Parasoleil LLC on Wednesday hit California Pacific Homes Inc. and a duo of design companies with a lawsuit over sheets of metal that the builder allegedly used to decorate homes it constructed in Irvine.

Parasoleil asserted that the defendants infringed by reproducing and publicly displaying at least five of its artistic and copyrighted designs.

Parasoleil designs and manufactures laser-cut metal panels that are used as ornamental facades that the company markets around the country. According to its…

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